Weekend pagans and Buffy Wiccans
I have read all over the web many entries from many young Pagans. Notably Wiccans.
The annoying thing is that legally you many not give any guidance or teaching to anyone under 18 or else it is regarded as occultism or something.
WHAT a stupid law.
The thing I find disturbing is when I read their profiles and their interests I find going out pubbing with friends, telly, shopping...ALLWAYS magic..........but rarely any mention of Nature.
Wicca is part of the Pagan web and every belief system in it is based around Mother Nature. How can you be Wiccan and have only a passing interest and a disturbing ignorance for Nature, the circle of life and the countryside?
For a start of any working of magic revolves around the understanding of life, nature and duality.
I think it comes from the televised approach to Wicca. TV Wiccans are portrayed as these powerful weavers of magic, and many teens are understandibly drawn into the mystique and fascination of this.
But thise TV portrayals often leave out THE MOST IMPORTANT PART.........nature. When did you last see Willow from Buffy out in the wilds of the countryside, simply enjoying it??????
Thats right...you don't.
So many teens are led to think that Wicca is simply this big magic trip thing. They blindly follow things about the God and Goddess.....cast circles, call the elements.....and havn't got a CLUE where its all based in and what its all about.
And they end up taking Magic so lightly...doing this spell and that spell........measuring their worth as a Wiccan by how many spells they can do in a week...and its scary. Magic, magical ability and spells crafted does not a Wiccan make. You can be Wiccan and do no magic!!!!!Magic is a serious thing. It can have serious consequences. Someone I know has only performed about two spells in their life, out of respect of what it can do. It doesnt make her any less of a Pagan!
Magic is to be taken seriously and well respected. It is often best to look for your own solution to a problem than just blindly turn to magic.
It is to be treated like a loaded shotgun!
I often wonder just how many teen Buffy/The Craft stylee Wiccans would be left if they discovered just how intrinsic to the religion nature is.
Spending all your time in urban land....venturing to the countryside only every now and then cannot possibly be conjusive to following a nature based religion!
Of course this rant is not saying that every Wiccan is like this...but you've gotta admit....